2-Diver 8-Watt Telephone

This is a powerful two-diver telephone, which delivers a full 8 watts of audio output. The telephone is equipped with a high quality University Sound loudspeaker for clear communications in noisy environments. Binding posts are provided for an external speaker, and jacks are provided for a headset. There is also a jack for a tape recorder. Separate volume controls for the diver and tender permit adjustment for optimum quality of communication. The telephone is powered by a 12-volt lantern battery, which comes with the telephone. A set of binding posts is provided for powering the telephone from an external source such as a 12-volt automobile battery. The telephone is housed in a handsome, highly finished, shock resistant wood case.
One of our customers reports that the supplied lantern battery lasted 60 hrs of normal use. He also noted there was no degradation of sound quality when he switched from a 150 foot umbilical to a 300 foot umbilical.