Deep Sea Diving

DESCO 59027D Shallow Water Helmet (Four light)

DESCO Shallow Water Helmet (Four light)

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Product Number: 59027D
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Product Features

DESCO Shallow Water Diving Helmet for Commercial Diving

The DESCO Shallow Water Diving Helmet is the most basic design in our helmet line. It was produced for commercial use in the 1940's.The Shallow Water Helmet differs from other helmets in that the breastplate and top are permanently joined together. The helmet rests on the divers shoulders without being attached to a diving dress. The helmet is held in place by weight. Air is exhausted from the diving helmet by it escaping under the breastplate lip. It comes high polished and complete with front and back weights.

Weight is approximately 78 lbs.

Total weight for shipping cost will be determined on a sale by sale basis.

The DESCO Shallow Water Helmet has the standard square 6 3/4"x 7" front window, plus 31/2"x 7" side windows. The top window is a oval commercial helmet top window. All other accoutrements are the same as the One Light Helmet.

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